Sunday, December 14, 2008

New Technology Toys

Technology seems to be overtaking the printed news world faster than some expected. Though the importance of the printed news products will always have a place, Internet sources of news and information may be nearing critical mass. At least within the tech groups, this was inevitable at some point.

List night at a party this fact was really driven home - the new tech toy that was getting the attention, that isn't that new, was the Apple iPhone. With all the available applications and connectivity, it really can be the single information tool, but how practical is the size to really replace a laptop. I realize it's designed to be a handheld device, but to me the only thing keeping it from replacing my laptop on a regular basis is the size. If a version came out that was 4-5 times bigger, that's a 5X7 or 6X9 inch screen, it would be the ultimate device.

So where does that leave newspapers and media companies? Well it's the same place I've been talking about for months, as ISP providers and links to the community. The newspaper has had a lock on the local market for decades; in some cases evolving from the single source of information for the community. So what can they do next? Simply, continue to deliver those customers, readers and consumers to advertisers through digital content delivery. Newspapers need to focus on developing their demographic data, the detailed info about their readers, not only for the purpose of advertisers targeting the market, but for readers to customize content based on their interests and needs.

So the transition continues - news and media converting to immediate digital delivery. The key for media companies is to focus on capturing the customer as much as creating the content. With so many news sources out in the market, newspapers have a challenge saturating the market as the single news source with only print. But with a print and web strategy, newspapers can regain market share as the custom content delivery source to the community. Though, I still read the printed newspaper with a cup of coffee, I'm hoping for a larger iPhone in my stocking this year.

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