Tuesday, May 6, 2008

NAA 2008 Maintenance Survey

Newspapers in North America produce millions of daily copies on large cold-set newspaper presses and require these presses to produce high quality and be mechanically reliable. Considerable resources are spent annually maintaining adn repairing press equipment in order to maintain print quality and reliability. The cost of maintenance and repair to the equipment is based on a variety of variables, including: age of the press, scheduled preventative maintenance, and overall hours the equipment runs on a daily basis.

In 2007, NAA instituted the survey to benchmark costs and key process measurements associated with operations, running costs, production performance averages and maintaining press equipment used by daily newspapers. The data collected from voluntary participants who provided production data and maintenance cost data from 2004, 2005 adn 2006. NAA analyzed the data and identified category metrics and trends for newspaper maintenance. The non-statistical report of costs associated with press maintenance, training and key production measurements is intended to be a benchmark for operational analysis within the newspaper industry.

NAA has anounced the 2008 Pressroom Maintenance Survey to collect industry cost data and continuing trends in operating maintenance cost for newspapers. Click on the link below to take the survey.

Link: www.zoomerang.com/Survey/?p=WEB226M5YZKDE8

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